Spring Reading Challenge

by Becky


Happy May!

The days are getting longer. School is almost out. You read Janna’s post with our book recommendations for keeping your reading resolutions, and then Kathleen’s post with more tips on how to achieve those goals. But have you actually stuck to it? Have you been reading what or as much as you’d like? I know I haven’t!

Readers have asked us how we read so many books and post reviews so often, and each of us has a different take. A strategy that seems to work for many of us though, is having a goal to strive for and a list of books that we know we want to read. To help you get back on track this year and prepare for what we hope is a literary summer, we’ve put together a reading challenge!

This reading challenge lists 16 different types of books to read. Pick as many or as few as you want, but we guarantee you’ll find variety! Write down the titles and enjoy the free printable to keep track of your accomplishments!

Capture1If that challenge isn’t enough and you want to practice your review skills, we have a second free printable that includes space for your thoughts and a rating of each book. Whether to hone your skills for Goodreads, or simply to keep track of your reads, reviewing a book encourages you to think about it in new ways and provides a great opportunity to truly digest the work. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy reviewing your books so much you’ll want to join us!

We would love to hear what you choose to read and encourage you to share your ideas in the comments here, or on social media! We are on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and will be using #LQReadingChallenge to keep up with you and encourage you!


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