10 Book and “Book-ish” Podcasts to Listen to Now!

by Jessica
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10 Bookish Podcasts to Listen to Now

Who doesn’t love a good podcast? When I am not listening to an audiobook, I’m tuning in to the latest episode of my favorite pod. Whether it be washing the dishes or tidying around my apartment, podcasts make these boring and every-day tasks WAY more enjoyable. In no particular order, here are 10 bookish podcasts that are my current favorites!  

Books Unbound

This one comes with a bit of a story. Back when I was a worn-out graduate with an English degree, I was trying to get back into reading for fun. I discovered the bookish corner of Youtube. Two of my favorite Book-tubers were Ariel Bissett and Raeleen Lemay (whose channel name is Padfootandprongs07). Back then, Book-tube was dominated by young adult fiction, which I enjoyed, but I also loved that these two read more then just YA. 

I was ecstatic when I discovered that Ariel and Raeleen were doing a podcast together! They discuss what they are currently reading and finished reading and give book suggestions to listeners – whose requests get more creative each episode. They also talk about the latest news in the book world. From Non-fiction to YA, manga to literary fiction, both ladies read expansively and are so fun to listen to. Have your Goodreads open and get ready to add to that TBR shelf!


The concept of Overdue is so good that you will kick yourself that you didn’t come up with the idea yourself – or maybe that’s just me! It’s hosted by long-time friends Craig and Andrew who are working through the long list of books they have not read. Each week one reads a book and tells the other and the listener about it. Sometimes it’s Llama, Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney, sometimes it’s The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. You never know what you’re going to get, and these guys are hilarious!

The Librarian is In

When I was training to start working part-time at my local library last year, I discovered the New York Public Library’s official podcast. Hosted by two of their librarians, Frank and Gwen whose book-talk is as eclectic as the City itself. They also host a wide variety of other podcaster guests – which, in fact, is where I learned about Overdue! Each episode is chalk full of interesting bookish factoids – who knew Margaret Wise Brown, the author of classic children’s book Goodnight Moon, also wrote an equally charming kid’s book titled Big Red Barn? Better get that library card ready! 

Dear Hank and John

Not really a book podcast per se but hosted by young adult author John Green and his brother, Hank Green. It’s a comedy podcast where listeners write with a plethora of questions – from how to place googly-eyes on the moon to how to respond back to someone who only signs their emails with their initials. John and Hank give, in their words, “dubious advice.” You will laugh and you will cry – because you are laughing so hard. 

Anthropocene Reviewed

Another not-really-bookish-John Green-hosted-podcast! John reviews different facets of the human-centered planet and rates them on a five star scale. You will never think about the board game Monopoly, air conditioning, and the Taco Bell breakfast menu the same way again. You begin to ponder these day-to-day items in a way that only John Green could make you ponder. And I love it.  

Under the Floorboards 

I just recently got totally sucked back into this one. Hosted by two Gilmore Girls superfans, Elizabeth Allen and Rob Carroll review each episode and discuss the multitude of pop-culture, music, movie, and, of course, literary references. Host Elizabeth reads through each book mentioned or seen in the show, and comments on each as they appear in the show. The casual conversational style of this podcast is like visiting with old friends. 

Julie’s Library 

Do you love children’s books? Have kids? Have always wanted Julie Andrews to read to you before bed? If you answered yes to a least two of these questions then this is a podcast you need to check out. This brand new podcast is hosted by Julie Andrews and her daughter Emma. This is a children’s story-time podcast. However, if 2020 has gotten you feeling down, Julie Andrews reading cute, heartwarming books like Marilyn’s Monster, Bears Don’t Eat Egg Sandwiches, and From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea is a cure-all. I mean, come on, it’s Julie Andrews! 

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Calling all writers – this is the podcast for you! Sarah Werner is a writer and podcaster who lives in my hometown, so of course I have to put a plug in for her podcast! If the titles of her episodes don’t make you subscribe immediately I don’t know what will – Getting back into Writing, Supposed To For Writers, What Are You Afraid Of, and When Writing isn’t Writing. Be prepared to be inspired by Sarah, who is such an incredible writer and podcaster. She gives fantastic advice and you come away from her episodes feeling built up and ready to own your identity as a writer. She also interviews writers who are likewise so inspiring to listen to! 

Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books

Hosted by writer and mother of 4, Zibby Owens, who “interviews brilliant authors for busy book lovers!” I was recently introduced to this podcast by LQ’s own Joli! I admit I have only listened to one episode so far, but I am hooked. Authors interviewed include, Meg Wolitzer (The Female Persuasion), Mitch Albom (Finding Chika), Richie Jackson (Gay Like Me), and Glory Edim (Well-Read Black Girl). With a running time of under 30 minutes per episode, this is the perfect podcast for busy book-lovers everywhere! 

Get Booked

A weekly book recommendations podcast from Book Riot! If you are looking for unique and diverse book recommendations, Book Riot is the site to visit, and this podcast is the one to listen to. The themes of each episode range from high fantasy, to great middle grade audiobooks, to anti-racist literature, to East Asian fiction and everything in between. Listeners write in with recommendation requests.

I think listening to other readers talk about books the next best thing to actually reading! Podcasts have gotten me through many a reading slump or whenever I just needed a change of pace. While washing the dishes, I am learning about a new-to-me author or book, being alerted to news in the book world, and most importantly, being reminded that I live in a whole wide world of fellow readers.  

What bookish podcasts did I miss? Comment below with your favorites!

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