The LQ Ladies’ Bookish Resolutions for 2018

by Joli
Bookish Resolutions 2018

A new year, a new bookish slate. What will we read this year? How much will we read this year? We all have different ideas about what we’d like in terms of bookishness this year. We want to know, what’s your goal for 2018?


For me, I set my reading goal to 40 books this year. With a subscription to Book of the Month, Scribd and Audible, I would hope that’s doable! I also would like to read more nonfiction titles overall. Lastly, I am starting a Girly Book Club chapter in Duluth and I’m excited to make more bookish friends!


I also have the same reading goal as last year — to read 52 books. I listen to about one audiobook per week, so this feels within reach for me! I also want to try to read more physical books, as the overwhelming majority of my reading is via audiobooks. Don’t get me wrong, I love audiobooks and how they fit into my day, but the experience of reading is definitely different depending on the medium. I just bought a whole stack of books over Christmas, so have high hopes of digging into those throughout the year.


I have three goals this year. 1 – Read more books than last year. I don’t want to embarrass myself by sharing the number. Check my goodreads if you’re that curious! 😉 2 – Read more books outside my comfort zone. At least TRY to read them, even if I don’t end up liking them or finishing them. 3 – Read more recommendations. For better or worse, I think this will be a fun experiment!


My goal for this year is the same as last year – 52, one for every week. Last year I beat it and read 60-something, and I’m not convinced it wasn’t a fluke. So far, I’m at 3, so I am well on track! My biggest aim is to get others reading again since I have taken so much enjoyment from it. My mom joined Goodreads in 2017 and I LOVE seeing what she thinks, especially when we read the same one.


My goal, believe it or not, is to read even more in 2018. But I don’t mean more books, although that will probably be a byproduct. I’m great at reading on the bus to and from work and it’s where I read most in 2017, but I’d like to get back to reading at night before bed. I either stay up too late watching T.V., scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through social media, or I just fall asleep! I’m hoping to change that this year and set enough time aside to get in bed and read for 20 minutes. And I’m with Joli – I want to work on reading what I want, instead of reading what I feel obligated to read.


My goal number of books to read in 2018 is 40. Already done with my second book of the year, so I’m on track! For the most part, I just want to leave more time open for what I really want to read. I love participating in the book tours we do here on LQ and being in book club, but life is too short to read books you aren’t into. I have a bookshelf overflowing with books I haven’t gotten to read yet, so I’m going to give myself more space to work on reading those!

What’s your bookish resolution for 2018?

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ERIN January 22, 2018 - 5:42 pm

I read 12 books last year and listened to 4, which beat my one-book-a-month goal! I also joined my first book club ever at the tail end of last year (a Girly Book Club chapter). I liked it so much I committed to a full year of GBC in 2018, joined a second local book club, and am debating a third. My main goal this year is to do an audiobook each month in addition to a book a month. I just need to break my mental block of only doing one book at a time and think of it like watching multiple TV shows. I’m excited!

Janna February 2, 2018 - 12:42 pm

Love that you’re on the book club bandwagon! It’s so fun to meet up and discuss a book with others. I’m in three book clubs and my advice would be to not feel guilty when you don’t read one of the books. Choose what you want to read and don’t apologize for it! I spent too much time in 2017 reading books I wasn’t enjoying because they were for book club. Happy reading!


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