Joli’s Midweek Mix: Volume 6

by Joli
Joli's Midweek Mix

Hi! Me again, here with another Midweek Mix post. What interesting things have you found around the web lately?

Emma Watson’s Book Club

Our Shared Shelf

Did you know Emma Watson has a book club on Goodreads?? I didn’t! It’s called Our Shared Shelf. She says “I’ve been discovering so much that, at times, I’ve felt like my head was about to explode… I decided to start a Feminist book club, as I want to share what I’m learning and hear your thoughts too.” Fun! Join the club.

Literary Hub’s Daily Giveaway

Literary Hub Daily Giveaway

If you haven’t been to their site much, you should! I’ve been finding some really interesting topics there lately, and I love that they post excepts of books. Of course, it doesn’t help the steady growth of my TBR list :] Anywho, they do a book giveaway every day. A chance every day to win a book? Heck yes? Enter the giveaway and bookmark the address.

The Hunts

I saw a show this past weekend, and it was SO GOOD. This band is a family of 7 brothers and sisters from Virginia, and they’re amazing. It was such a fun show! We were in the front row, and at one point one of the band members was drumming on a chair and broke his drumstick. The broken part sailed straight for my face! Luckily I blocked it from hitting me, picked it up and had him sign it. Pretty cool  :]


Kathleen LQ

We welcomed a new contributor here at LQ this week! Her name is Kathleen and we’re super excited to have her aboard. She’s a Middle School English teacher and a mom to 2 boys. She blogs over at Word Savvy. Check it out and say hello! Here’s her profile.

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I'm currently a full-time writer/content strategist with an English degree living in Minneapolis, MN with my husband, young daughter, and black lab mix. I created Literary Quicksand to feed my love of books, writing, and community.

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1 comment

Midweek Mix, Volume 8 - Literary Quicksand May 11, 2016 - 7:08 am

[…] the giveaways!! Huzzah! In fact, it’s the same book that I shared a giveaway screenshot of in my post. Was that fate or what?? I’m not a huge nonfiction reader, but this book sounds really […]


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