Sunday Brunch #TBR Roundup

by Mel

Welcome to the Sunday Brunch #TBR Roundup. While you sip your Sunday morning coffee, you can see what we’ve added to our “To Be Read” lists this past week (Sun 28 Feb – Sat 5 Mar). Discover all of the various places we get our reading recommendations. Have you read any of these? What did you think of them?


The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller
I saw this in the bargain section at Barnes and Noble last weekend and couldn’t resist. I have been hearing such good things about it for so long, I figured it was my turn to check it out! Based on the previews of the book, I’ll be swept away by a story of true love and the longings of all men and women. What better to read as I approach my first wedding anniversary!


The Book of Memory by Petina Gappah
Every weekday morning, my husband’s alarm is set to play MPR (Minnesota Public Radio). I get up before him, so I’m always getting ready while listening to his MPR alarm. This author was on, talking about her book, and it sounded really interesting. It’s about an imprisoned albino woman in Zimbabwe (in a nutshell).

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mendel
This one is for a very simple reason…I found out that this book is next up for my book club in April. So, on the list it goes! The Goodreads snippet starts like this: “An audacious, darkly glittering novel set in the eerie days of civilization’s collapse”. Sounds pretty awesome!


Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard
I’ve been meaning to read some Annie Dillard for a while, and this seems to be her most well regarded book. Right after I added it to my list, the narrator/author of the book I’m currently reading mentioned it! Fate!

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
I read all of these when I was little, and I don’t honestly remember much about them except the amazing feeling they gave me and how much I loved them. I think it’s about that time for me to revisit at least the first one and see if the magic is still there.

Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder by Kent Nerburn
A book by a local author whose books focus on spiritual values and Native American themes, this book has been widely advertised recently as a movie version is about to be released. I’m going to try to attend an upcoming author talk about it. This will be a good follow-up to the Ojibwe history book I’m immersed in right now.


Paper Tigers by Damien Angelica Walters
I got an IM from Joli one day with a link to this book on Goodreads and an emphatic, “This looks like your kind of book!!!” And she was right, it appears to have just the right amount of haunting to pique my interest, so it was immediately added to my to-read list.

The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
I just picked this up randomly from the library. It’s a collection of short stories, some fairy tale-like. It intrigued me, but I honestly don’t know what to expect! All I know is there were several accolades from respected authors on the back of the book, so we’ll see how it goes…

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When I'm not devouring books I can be found with my hands in the soil, on my bicycle, in a tent, on the meditation cushion, or rising up in Sarvangasana. I am your resident non-fiction reader. Shoot me an email and tell me what the best book you've read lately is. More About Mel

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Jasmine Pearl Reads March 6, 2016 - 8:11 pm

I haven’t heard of some of those, but I’ll check them out soon! Great TBR post! <33

Joli March 7, 2016 - 8:27 am

Thanks friend!!

Shauna Marie March 22, 2016 - 2:41 pm

What a beautifully curated blog! I love this post – it includes some great titles to consider adding to my own list!


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