Story: The Huntress follows three converging story lines featuring a Russian female bomber pilot, a relentless former journalist turned Nazi hunter, and a 17-year-old aspiring photographer. Buried secrets, painful loss and an interesting look at family ties bind these characters …
Story: As World War II is ramping up, the British military is working hard to sabotage German efforts in and around France in advance of the Allied invasion. As a member of the Special Operations Executive, Eleanor Trigg is the …
Today, on the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, I have an excellent resource for those of us interested in learning more about WWII. I recently reviewed National Geographic’s Visual Atlas of the World, and while the topic of …
Story: The Allies by Winston Groom looks at the lives of the leaders of the three largest Allied forces of WWII. The opening chapters follow Winston Churchill’s rise through military and political ranks. Joseph Stalin is introduced as a bank …
Story: When the Men Were Gone by Marjorie Herrara Lewis is based on the true story of Tylene Wilson. Tylene has faced many different forms of loss throughout her life, and when the idea of losing a football season presents itself …
SPOILER ALERT: The Secret of the Irish Castle is part of a series. Details from prior books may be revealed in the review below. Story: The Secret of the Irish Castle – the third book in the Deverill Chronicle trilogy features the …
Story: The Atomic City Girls is the story of life in Oak Ridge, Tennessee – a government reservation designed and built to produce the uranium needed to create an atomic bomb. As part of the Manhattan Project, even the city …
Why: When the book jacket begins with, “On the eve of Pearl Harbor…” I can stop there and put the title on my TBR list. That may be a slight exaggeration, but its honestly what I did with The Way …
I have been obsessively following along with Booksparks’ Summer Reading Challenge (#SRC17) and for participating in one of their weekly contests, I won a book! The book was Goodnight from London by Jennifer Robson. I was excited about this one …
I’ve been looking forward to reading this book for awhile. I love historical fiction, especially when it’s set during World War II. This book also had an interesting take — it focused on women’s lives after the war was over. …