My Little Free Library Dream

by Becky

If you haven’t heard of or seen a Little Free Library (or similar concept), I am so sorry. These have to be the happiest, most encouraging little structures ever, and I want one!

Generally speaking, Little Free Libraries are tiny take-a-book-leave-a-book structures placed along sidewalks, in parks, and in neighborhoods around the world that allow friends and neighbors to share in the joy of reading. More specifically – and taken from their website – the Little Free Library mission is:

To promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide and to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations.

Started in 2009 in Hudson, Wisconsin (20 minutes from my hometown – no big deal…), there are now more than 40,000 registered libraries on the planet (as of June 2016). With the evolution of technology and tablet reading devices, it makes me SO happy that there is still value in physical books and bringing the written word to all generations.

One day, when we have our own home, I hope I am able to create and register my own Little Free Library. I love the ones that are shaped like little cabins and the ones that have beautiful glass doors. Not sure exactly what design I’d create, but I love the rustic nostalgia of the cabin and the romance of elegant glass doors. There are so many fun ideas (and more) on their Pinterest page!

I’m usually a pretty private person, but the idea of managing a Little Free Library gives me the best kind of chills. What a great way to give back, to spread the word (literally), and to create relationships.

Do any of you have a Little Free Library on your property or around your residence? What’s the best book find you’ve ever made in one?

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Crafter by nature, customer service manager by trade, Wisconsinite by blood, sports enthusiast by choice. Oh, and I have Bachelors degree in Journalism and Masters' degrees in Business and Sports Administration that I like to flex via blogging here and running my small Etsy shop, Nothing Past Nine.

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Kathleen July 9, 2016 - 11:42 am

Becky! I have one! It’s the greatest, and I love it so much. I get books from mine all the time, in addition to leaving them. My latest snag was a Plants vs. Zombies book for my 8 year-old.

Becky July 9, 2016 - 4:00 pm

First, YAY!!!! I would visit your library if it wasn’t a thousand miles away! Second, I am admittedly a Plants vs. Zombies fan who did not realize there were books…so I would have been all over that one myself!


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