Midweek Mix, Volume 12

by Joli

Wednesday again?? Yep, it’s Midweek Mix time. This week…

Why the lull?

You might have noticed that our posts are a little bit slow right now. Why? Well, we’re busy bees! I’m actually in Arlington, TX on a business trip. I have 2 book reviews ready to post, but alas, I forgot to take pretty book pictures before I left. And what’s a review without a pretty picture of the book? Kathleen, our awesome school teacher contrib, is busy gearing up for the new school year. And everyone else is just plain summer busy! I am at least getting some reading done on my trip – enjoying Big Little Lies!

A Bookish Giveaway


Off the Shelf is having a giveaway! I’m not sure why I’m sharing it, because if I don’t share it, doesn’t that give me a greater chance of winning? Haha :] Oh well. Here you go! Go forth and win 13 new books. Enter the giveaway.

Something Delicious


I have had this recipe open in a tab for over a week, because I want to remember to try it when I get home. It just looks so comforting and easy and delicious! I think I would make it, then heat up a piece in a bowl with some milk in the following couple days for breakfast. YUM! Here’s the recipe.

Airplane Firsts…and Nausea


As I mentioned before, I’m on a business trip…one that required flying from Minneapolis to Arlington. It was my FIRST TIME EVER on a plane. I know, I know, I’m apparently sheltered or something for never having flown. Anywho, it was interesting. I can’t say it was my favorite thing in the world…those sensations when going up and landing are interesting. I got very, very close to reaching for that barf bag during the landing. So, I want to know if anyone else has a nausea on airplanes problem? Anything you do that helps? I have those pressure point wristbands, which seemed to help, but landing was still pretty brutal on my stomach.

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Janna August 17, 2016 - 8:06 am

Luke, my boyfriend, takes half a non-drowsy Dramamine right before boarding. He can’t travel without it and that’s what works for him. It makes you a little…weird, but it’s worth it to not barf!

Samantha Rush August 17, 2016 - 4:29 pm

I’ve used ginger gum before and that helped not only with the pressure changes but nausea as well. Good luck on the flight home!

Cindy Doornink August 17, 2016 - 10:18 pm

Can’t help with the nausea but I have to wear Earplanes earplugs for the pressure and my sinuses. You can get them at Walmart. Doesn’t work for those who always seem to have ear buds in your ears, but you can read instead!


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