Joli’s Midweek Mix: Volume 4

by Joli
Joli's Midweek Mix

Another midweek, another mix! Here are some bookish links that I enjoyed this week.

Bullet Journal - Never Enough Novels

Bullet Journal How-To

A couple days after I posted my book journaling experience post, Rachel @ Never Enough Novels posted the same type of post, only about bullet journaling! Now that I’ve refined my love for putting pen to paper, I’m very tempted to try starting a bullet journal like she did. Read about her experience with it and her tips for getting started.

New Girl

New Girl

While her husband’s away, this girl will…come down with strep throat and binge watch New Girl? Ok, so Colin (my hubby) is gone for 2 weeks on a business trip, and this is the first time we’ve been apart for more than a night in…oh…4 years? I had all these grand plans, and then of course I got sick and have to just lay here missing him instead. So, I started New Girl. Holy crap, I love this show. It even makes me giggle out loud, which is often hard for shows to accomplish. Yes, I’ve gotten some reading done, but when I feel like crap, New Girl is the ultimate binge. Do you watch it?? Shhh I’m only ending season 1! Watch New Girl on Netflix.

22 Times the Dedication Page Was the Best Part of the Book

Have you seen this making its way around the web? It’s way too much #bookish fun!  Read 22 funny dedication pages.


3 Austen Hotties Who Make Mr. Darcy Look Like Boiled Ham

LOL, need I say more than just the title of this blog post by Barnes & Noble? Probably not, but in case you need a little Persuasion,  here’s a quote form the article:

This mature specimen of Edwardian manhood will love you with the care and wisdom of a fellow who has seen some shizz and knows all too well how cruel the world can be, and he’ll buy you a piano in the bargain.

To find out which fine specimen the article is talking about, go read it!

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Rachel @ Never Enough Novels April 6, 2016 - 11:34 am

Thanks for featuring my post! New Girl is all kinds of amazing! My boyfriend is currently in Italy for a work trip so I’m trying to fit in all my “girlie” shows. Current favorite is Hart of Dixie on Netflix (basically Gilmore Girls set in the South).

Also – I couldn’t stop laughing at that Dedication Page link : )

Joli April 6, 2016 - 1:14 pm

Haha! Same here with the girly shows 😀 For me it’s New Girl and Call the Midwife. I haven’t heard of Hart of Dixie! Perhaps I’ll have to check it out!

Becky April 7, 2016 - 8:42 am

Now I want to create a bullet journal…..but so many other projects!!! 🙂

Maggie April 8, 2016 - 6:21 am

I am FASCINATED by this bullet journal idea. Since this post, I’ve been reading everything I can find about this. I think I’m going to do it!

Joli April 8, 2016 - 12:03 pm

Me too!! Although I’m questioning if I’m artsy enough…I guess I could always give it a try!

Organization. It’s my Jam. – Reading. Musing. Wandering. April 8, 2016 - 11:44 am

[…] hadn’t heard about this until this week on Literary Quicksand’s Midweek Mix, but now, I’m all in. Joli linked to the Never Enough Novels post about bullet journaling, […]


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