TBR Mix n’ Mingle – February 2019

by Allison
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Welcome back to another edition of TBR Mix n’ Mingle. On the first Wednesday of every month, we share our most anticipated reads and invite you to do the same!

Make sure to add your TBR list in the linkup at the bottom of the post. Don’t forget to check out all of the other TBR lists linked as well! Don’t have a blog? Tell us about the books you want to read in the comments below.

Here’s what we’re reading this month…


Hello bookish friends! I am excited to tell you about my February TBRs! After a kind of crapola January reading-wise (not due to the books, but more how I was feeling about reading – separate LQ article coming soon because I want to write about this further), I picked up a few books at the library that I was genuinely jazzed for, and so far it’s been return of the old Caleigh since then.

My TBR list for this month includes I Was Anastasia, by Ariel Lawhon, and On the Come Up by Angie Thomas. Am I excited for Thomas’ newest release? YOU BETCHA. The Hate U Give was a 2017 superstar in the print industry, and knocked it out in 2018 at the theaters. The average Goodreads rating at the time of writing this is an astounding 4.41 for Thomas’ sophomoric contribution to our world of stories. The rest of my reading will be playing catch-up on the January books that didn’t quite get done. Since I have a beachy vacation coming up in February, I think I should be able to tackle quite a few!



Hello, February! It’s snowing pretty hard right now as I write this, so it’s great reading weather! Now, if only my baby would let me have some time to read 🤷. Here are a couple of my February TBRs.

Map of the Heart by Susan Wiggs – This will be my third Susan Wiggs read and review for LQ. I enjoyed the other two I’ve read, Family Tree and Between You & Mealthough I liked Family Tree more. Anyway, when I saw another Wiggs novel show up on our potential book tour list, I signed up for it right away. This one has great reviews (4.6 stars on Amazon), so I’m looking forward to reading it!

American War by Omar El Akkad – This one is what my book club is reading in February. It doesn’t sound like something I’m going to like AT ALL, but I’m always willing to try! That’s what book club is for, right? It’s sci-fi, dystopian fiction. Don’t worry, I’ll report back with my thoughts.

Fruit of the Drunken Tree by Ingrid Rojas Contreras – I’m actually about half way through this one, so I’m really hoping to finish it! I’m enjoying it so far,  and I definitely want to see how it ends. It’s a coming-of-age novel, which I tend to like a lot!


Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates – Though this memoir has been popular since its release about 4 years ago, I have yet to pick it up. My office’s diversity book club chose it as our February read, and with a brand new copy in hand, I’m looking forward to finally diving in… as well as the discussion that follows!

Three Junes by Julia Glass – I’m really glad to be participating in the Reading Women Challenge this year, but I have yet to read a book from one of the categories. I’ve had this novel on my shelves for a bit, and it perfect fulfills the “multigenerational family saga” category, so I’m hoping to finally make time to read it this month.

If, Then by Kate Hope Day – I’ve been sitting on an ARC for this sci-fi novel for a while now and really need to get a move on, since its release date is about a month away. Re-reading the description got me excited about it all over again! It might be the first one of the bunch I pick up.

Here’s my link for the rest: https://www.hungry-bookworm.com/2019/02/06/tbr-list-february-2019/


What are planning on reading this month?

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I'm a southern girl living in St. Paul, MN. I can often be found hiding from the real world and avoiding responsibilities by reading a copious amount of books. You can also find my ramblings about life and literature over at mynovelife.com.

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Monica February 7, 2019 - 9:40 am

I just found out about Fruit of a drunken tree from a podcast!

Joli February 7, 2019 - 10:26 am

Oh crazy! Which podcast? Anne Bogel’s?

Jenn @ Bound to Writing February 8, 2019 - 5:46 pm

I hope you enjoy On The Come Up!

Catherine February 12, 2019 - 9:12 pm

I’m looking forward to Vacuum in the Dark and Otherwise Engaged. I’m hoping they’ll be a good balance of light and dark reading!


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