Amazing Bookish Finds on Etsy

by Joli
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The amazingness of Etsy often blows my mind. Having just recently gotten my ears pierced for the first time (yeah, I’m an odd duck), I immediately went to Etsy to purchase my first pairs of earrings. It’s a good feeling to purchase an amazing hand-made find from a real person rather than a corporation.

So, naturally, there are some amazing bookish finds on Etsy, because some book nerds are amazing crafty nerds, too. Here are a couple that I absolutely love that I’ve stumbled upon lately.

Sense & Sensibility Book Clutch

Sense & Sensibility Book Clutch

It’s a book, it’s a clutch, it’s a…book clutch! And it’s vintage. The owner of this Etsy shop searches for vintage clutches and attaches them to book covers. Sounds like such a labor of love! She has several different book cover clutches. Get yours at the RoseAndThatch shop.

Quote Art Prints

Mr. Darcy Art Quote

Oh, Mr. Darcy. This print makes my heart pitter-patter. This shop has a whole bunch of different prints, all wonderful. Some cheeky, some cute, some just plain pretty. Check them out in the BookishlyUK Shop.

Bookstore Scented Candle

Bookstore Candle

This is a shop that’s right in my home city – Minneapolis, MN. And they claim to make a candle that smells like a bookstore. Um, yes please! What bookish person doesn’t want their home to smell like the nearest bookstore? Don’t forget to check out the other candles they make at Frostbeard – they’re hilariously (and bookishly) awesome.

Seize the Earrings

Carpe Librum Earrings

Speaking of just getting my ears pierced, I think I need these. Carpe Librum = Seize the Books! Ears, prepare to be bookish. Get them at PaperHeartDaily. Oh, and don’t miss the Shakespeare studs also in the shop.

Hemingway Notebook

Hemingway Notebook

Haha! I’m lusting after this right now. This gem is from a shop that also has a bunch of amazing literary prints, postcards and other goodies. I actually have the postcard set – planning on using some for art and sending others. Take a gander at them all over at ObviousState.

What amazingly bookish things have you found on Etsy lately? Please share with me in the comments!

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Mel February 6, 2016 - 4:32 pm

Great finds! This isn’t Etsy, but it’s one of my favorite book-gift things to drool over.

Rachel @ Never Enough Novels June 28, 2016 - 4:05 pm

Oh geez I want all of these! Have you heard of these pieces of wall art that are made from the text of popular books? They’re amazing.

Joli June 29, 2016 - 6:58 am

😮 Those are so neat!! I really want the Alice in Wonderland one!


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