Story: Cocoa Beach by Beatriz Williams is a twisted family drama set in post WWI America. Virginia Fortescue has returned home from serving as an ambulance driver married to a British surgeon and carrying his child. After two years of …
Crafter by nature, customer service manager by trade, Wisconsinite by blood, sports enthusiast by choice. Oh, and I have Bachelors degree in Journalism and Masters' degrees in Business and Sports Administration that I like to flex via blogging here and running my small Etsy shop, Nothing Past Nine.
Story: A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo written by Jill Twiss and illustrated by E.G. Keller is the story of a lonely bunny. Marlon lives with his grandfather, the Vice President of the United States Mike Pence. On this day however, …
Story: Beartown is a hockey town. The village depends on the sport. The very survival of its citizens hinges on the quality of the Beartown hockey club. When the junior team’s championship run is interrupted by a scandal, everyone in …
Story: I’ll Be Your Blue Sky is a story about Clare and Edith. Connected through a single conversation, Edith gives Clare the confidence to leave her stifling fiancé on their wedding day. Shortly after, Clare learns of Edith’s death when …
Story: Love Unleashed: Tales of Inspiration and the Life-Changing Power of Dogs by Rebecca Ascher-Walsh is a collection of short tales about incredible canine companions. From therapy dogs to police partners to wounded rescues, these inspiring animals and their humans provide a reminder …
- Book ReviewsGeneral Non-Fiction
Review: Guides to State Parks and Scenic Highways & Byways
by Beckyby BeckyPrinted travel guides are significantly underrated. Sure Google and the internet have made finding new places as easy as its ever been, but having a printed guide with recommendations and information is invaluable as you head out into the more …
In honor of Valentine’s Day, our LQ Contributors have created a special treat: the first of (hopefully) many, Mad Lib style short stories. For this love story installment, each of our gals wrote a piece of the anecdote without knowing …
- Bookish Stuff & ThingsLiving Life Bookishly
For Valentine’s Day: Literary Crushes Poll!
by Beckyby BeckyDo you think like our LQ Contributors? Here are some of their literary crushes. Click on those you agree with and tell us who we missed! [socialpoll id=”2487108″] So far, our votes for other include: The Count of Monte Cristo …
Story: The Atomic City Girls is the story of life in Oak Ridge, Tennessee – a government reservation designed and built to produce the uranium needed to create an atomic bomb. As part of the Manhattan Project, even the city …
Story: The Lost Castle by Kristy Cambron is the tale of one castle’s impact on three women from very different generations. From the French Revolution we meet Aveline who is set to marry and become duchess of the castle until the …