TBR Mix n’ Mingle – January 2020

by Joli

New year, who dis? It’s funny how the changing year number makes us all decide to go crazy making resolutions and thinking about our hopes and dreams. Can’t we do that any time? No need to wait for a new year!

I get it, though – it feels fresh somehow. It makes sense to make goals for this big chunk of upcoming time…including books we want to read! Such as how many, what kind, how we’ll choose them, etc. Do you have any bookish resolutions? Share, please!

Anyhow, here we are with our January 2020 TBR Mix n’ Mingle linkup. This linkup is normally posted on the first of the month, but hey, we got a little caught up in the hubbub of the new year.

Make sure to add your TBR list in the linkup at the bottom of the post, or in the comments if you’re not a blogger. Don’t forget to check out all of the other TBR lists linked as well!

Here’s what we’re reading this month…


My TBR for January is actually a stack of magazines that have piled up over the last few seasons. I’m particularly excited about catching up on my Magnolia Journal. Even if I’m not savvy enough to execute what’s in them, the articles and photography put me in a great, relaxed state of mind!

Hoping that 2020 will be a good year for knocking things off the to do list and getting rid of a few of the piles that have ummm….collected….the last couple of years!



After disappearing in December to a disappointing 0 books read (WHAT), I have some great TBR for January.

You are Awesome by by Neil Pasricha. My aunt bought me this book for my birthday, and I feel like it will put my 2020 off to a fabulous start!

Etta and Otto and Russell and James by Emma Hooper. A Girly Book Club member recommended this little novel to me about a year ago, and I found a copy at my local used bookstore. Since I have a rule about only buying books on my TBR list, I was able to pick this one up (LOL) and I’m super excited to read it. It’s set in Canada, which makes me extra happy <3


This month, I really just want to feel a little more relaxed. Christmas with a 15-month-old was more hectic than other Christmases have been before. I always get a little bit of a holiday hangover, but this year I’m feeling glad for the less crazy month. SO, I’m going to try to relax a bit with a couple great reads!

Minor Dramas & Other Catastrophes by Kathleen West – Can we just stop for a second and talk about the fact that a former LQer is a super big-time published author?? I mean, I just searched for a picture of her book cover and it came up at Target to pre-order. Target! Seriously. Okay, now, about the book – I have to confess that I already started this one and had to put it down because Christmas was NUTS. It was very hard to do so, because I was enjoying it so much!! My plan is to go back and skim what I’ve already read to make sure I’m not forgetting any important details. So far, this book is funny and fresh and pulls you around to different characters while you’re loving being along for the ride. Can’t wait to get back to it!

The Scholar by Dervla McTiernan – I hadn’t heard of this one before seeing it’s the upcoming pick for Girly Book Club, but after checking it out, I’m excited to read it. Better Homes and Gardens described it as “Tightly plotted, fast-paced read with enough twists to keep you guessing right to the end.”



The Playground by Jane Shemilt- I’m reviewing this for a blog tour soon! It sounds like a twisty novel featuring kids and the relationships between their parents. It’s a bit out of my usual reading type, so I’m excited to see if I’ll like it!

Check out my blog for the rest of my list.

What are you planning to read this month?

Join our linkup below and share your TBR lists!

Our next linkup will be February 1, 2020!

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