TBR Mix n’ Mingle – November 2019

by Joli

Well, we’re officially in the season of cozy. While summer is great, there’s a reason I live in Minneosta – cozy is my jam! There are many great things to do while being cozy, but reading is definitely a top option. So settle in with your blankets and book stacks, people, winter is arriving!

We’re back with another edition of our TBR Mix n’ Mingle today, where you can check out what we’re planning on reading this month and possibly add another book (or several?) to your ever-growing TBR list! We post these on the first day of every month, and you can join!

Make sure to add your TBR list in the linkup at the bottom of the post, or in the comments if you’re not a blogger. Don’t forget to check out all of the other TBR lists linked as well!

Here’s what we’re reading this month…


Of course I’ve got some nonfiction thrown in my TBR this month for Nonfiction November. I’m also trying to get back to my #unreadshelfproject2019 since the year is almost over.

I Miss You When I Blink by Mary Laura Philpott – I picked this up at a local bookstore back in July and have been meaning to get to it. This is the month! I’ve heard nothing but positive reviews about this collection of short stories about motherhood and can’t wait to dig in to it.

Lost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly – I was able snag a personally signed copy of this at a book festival in early September. This is the sequel to Lilac Girls, which I absolutely loved. The third book in the “series” (they are separate stories told about the same family) is coming out later this month. I always have a hard time figuring out if this type of book is fiction or nonfiction. It’s technically considered historical fiction because some elements (such as dialogue) are fabricated, but it’s a true story. Please set me straight!

Check out all of the other nonfiction and more I’ll be reading this month over on my blog, My Novel Life!


November is not only #nonfictionnovember but also my BIRTHDAY month. So, disregarding all rules, my TBR this month is random as all heck! Hopefully I’ll be able to achieve most/all of it by taking copious amounts of ME time.

Audiobook: My audiobook selections this month will be A Rule Against Murder, and if I finish that one, The Brutal Telling, which are books #4 and #5 in Louise Penny’s acclaimed Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series. These are absolutely my guilty pleasure selections, and they are set in Quebec, Canada, so that’s fun and bonus.

Fiction Read: For TLC Book Tours, I’ll be reviewing Anne Leigh Parrish’s book Maggie’s Ruse this month. It’s a twin novel, and I’m excited to see where this book takes me!

Non-Fiction: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot has been on my TBR list for a while, but since the rest of my reads are looking pretty light, I will try to balance it out with something compelling and educational (and I mean, hugely important in the cultural narrative of American medicine).

Wish me luck!!


Non-fiction November? How apropos as 2019 has already been the year of non-fiction for me!

Welcome to the Writer’s Life: How to Design Your Writing Craft by Paulette Perhach – It is my goal for November to pull my focus back to my writing life which, frankly, has been very sad and neglected lately. In the past I have tended to be wary of spending time reading books on writing but I just started this and it is fantastic and so inspiring so far!

Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling – J.K.Rowling’s Harvard University commencement speech. Need I say more?

Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder – I am behind in my Life’s Library book club reading. I really do not know much about this book other than that it is a biography – bonus it is also short!

Crazy Salad & Scribble Scribble: Some Things About Women & Notes of the Media by Nora Ephron – I just picked the audiobook from the library and am hoping to get to it this month! You’ve Got Mail is one of my all time favourite movies, and I adore Nora Ephron’s screenplay writing in general! I have always meant to read some of her essays.


I’m currently trying to decide which of the books in my nonfiction TBR stack to read during Nonfiction November! They’re so varied. Guess I just need to grab one and dive in! Have any favorites from my stack? I’ll take a guess at Rachel’s pick…(scroll down to where she mentions one of her favorite authors, who just happens to be in my stack).

Besides that stack, I have 2 fiction reads this month:

Someone Else’s Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson – I’m actually already in the middle of this one, but had to set it aside to finish a couple books I had deadlines on. I was SUPER sad to set it aside – I was really into it! Luckily I just finished the others I needed to read and have my sights set on rejoining this novel that begins with a holdup in a Circle K. Review to come!

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield – I’m sure that, like me, you’ve seen this one everywhere and are wondering what all the fuss is about. Well, my book club chose it for November, so looks like I’ll soon find out! I’m pretty excited about it because the description sounds pretty amazing. I mean, the first sentence of said description is pretty epic: “On a dark midwinter’s night in an ancient inn on the river Thames, an extraordinary event takes place.”


It’s Nonfiction November! To celebrate this month, I’m joining a group of other bloggers to dedicate our posts to the nonfiction genre. That means adding a few nonfiction reads to my November TBR!

Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K Massie – This tome explores the tragic history of the Russian Romanov family. I read this back in high school (for fun!) but I think it’s about time for a reread. I remember being fascinated by the factors at play in their horrendous demise.

The Body by Bill Bryson – A new release in 2019. Bill Bryson is one of my favorite authors, so it should be a unique and interesting read as he explores the science behind our bodies. Although I still love his travelogues best, I have high hopes for his newest book.

You can check out more of my November TBR list on my blog, Never Enough Novels.

What are you planning to read this month?

Join our linkup below and share your TBR lists!

Our next linkup will be December 1, 2019!

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Astrid November 1, 2019 - 4:19 pm

Hi, first time joining in with this linky! Love your theme of nonfiction month for November. I read a ton of nonfiction.

I’ve heard so many good things about the Lilac Girls “series”, I’d like to read it too, though I’m not a big historical fiction reader.

Dee | Grammy's Grid November 13, 2019 - 5:42 pm

HI! I don’t know if my Short Story Link Party is appropriate for your party so I didn’t link it up but I invite you to linkup with me! This is a creative writing exercise for fun and without a lot of editing. Just start typing and see what you come up with! Remember, no story is too short! See the party on my site for the current prompt 🙂


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