What We’re Reading This Week

by Joli

Woah, how did we get to the last week of March already?? Here’s hoping the weather where you are is nicer than Minnesota – spring is taking its good, sweet time coming this year. I guess that means we just have more days to huddle up inside and get some reading done!



I’m currently reading Worth Killing For (review up on 3/27!) And, I’m also getting started on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (reading the series for the first time this year!) and Pachinko (Girly Book Club April pick).




I’m listening to the second book in the Red Sparrow trilogy (movie for first one out now), which is called Palace of Treason by Jason Matthews. These are modern-day Russian/American spy thrillers, and I really enjoyed the story and writing in the first one. Not yet sold on this second installment — and wondering who edited this because there are some obvious errors — but it’s always fun to read something a bit different than usual. I started reading Tana French’s In the Woods on a road trip to east Iceland on Friday, and am loving this mystery/detective novel so far.



Still working on Saving Tarboo Creek. I’m enjoying my nonfiction break and it’s nice to feel like I’m learning something when I pick it up! Audiobook of the week is The Forgotten Room by Karen White, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig. Yet another split narrative, generational drama/romance that conveniently includes a WWII storyline… 🙂



I just started on Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood, because I REALLY want to start the Netflix season. Next on my list after that will be Celeste Ng’s Everything I Never Told You. On the audiobook side, I just got a copy of Anna Faris’s Unqualified. And I’m doing a ton of writing – I have a lot of LQ reviews to finish up that have been sadly on the backburner!



I finally just finished the fantasy series I was reading called The First Law series. My brother and boyfriend recommended it and it’s been fun discussing it with them. I am currently reading Celeste Ng’s Everything I Never Told You and it’s very good and I’m only halfway through. That’s it for me this week.



I’m currently only reading one book – Pachinko. It’s the Girly Book Club pick for April, and it’s a long one, so I’m getting started on it now! I’m liking it so far, but the length of it is still intimidating. For the most part, I like focusing on just one book at a time.



Rachel (New LQer!)

At home I’m reading Anne of Avonlea, the second book in the Anne of Green Gables series. I realized I never made it past the first book as a kid! My lunchtime work book is The Two Towers. I’m working my way through The Lord of the Rings series a second (maybe third?) time.




What are you reading this week?

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