Well, it’s March, and here we are having a snow day in Minnesota. We’re supposed to get freezing rain, then 4-6 inches of snow. It’s definitely going to be a good reading night after work! Hope this first official week of spring is nicer for everyone else!

Currently reading: In Praise of Difficult Women by Karen Karbo (stay tuned for the review posting on Wednesday!) I’m also reading Lily and the Octopus! I picked up quite a few new books last month, so my goal is to make a dent in my TBR pile this month and not buy any new books until I’ve read a few!
I’m currently reading The English Wife by Lauren Willig. It’s kind of terrible (just so-so writing and plot so far) yet I’m still reading it… Giving it a few more chapters before I decide for good :). Definitely in the market for some recommendations!
By the time this gets posted, I’ll have finished my fourth audiobook in a row. (Usually I end up taking a break after one or two!) I needed something lighter after Beartown so I borrowed Gone Gull by Donna Andrews. It is one of her Meg Langslow mysteries and I’ve been enjoying it. Andrews has a number of other bird pun titles that have made me laugh without even reading the books!
In print, I’ve started Saving Tarboo Creek by Scott Freeman. Non-fiction which is not typical for me, but there are lots of ties to Wisconsin which made me nostalgic. It’s a book about conservation and rehabilitation with beautiful illustrations.
I am currently racing through All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood – I can’t put it down! I just purchased the very well received The Immortalists, by Chloe Benjamin, so it will be next on my list. March also has some big book-to-movie blockbusters, so I am looking forward to those once I can get them from the library!
I listen to audiobooks on my drive out to the farm where I ride, so I’m wrapping up the second installment of Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians series and will be starting the third (Rich People Problems) this week.
I just finished the next book in the Hogarth Shakespeare Project, New Boy by Tracy Chevalier, over the weekend. It’s a retelling of Othello and I thought it was quite good! Review to come. I just started Lily and the Octopus, which is our next read for Girly Book Club.
What are you reading this week?