Lazy Sunday TBR Roundup

by Joli

Happy Sunday! Sit back with a coffee and check out what we’ve added to our to-be-read lists this week. What have you added to yours?


I just finished The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury, The Vegetarian by Han Kang and Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. I have a stack of books waiting for me – I’ll have to choose between Commonwealth, Final Girls or It’s Okay to Laugh. So many good books to devour, but summer happenings have been keeping me busy. I’ve actually been thinking more and more about cooler days and weekends spent on my couch, sort of watching football, but mostly reading and blogging. 🙂


I’ve been busy vacation reading, finishing The Sixteen Trees of the Somme by Lars Mytting, A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline (which Joli reviewed), The Spy by Paulo Coelho, and Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. I’ve now started Fish Have No Feet and Last Christmas in Paris — the latter of which is for an upcoming review. Oh and I picked up the audible version of the biography Matriarch: Queen Mary and the House of Windsor, on a whim the other day. I’ve been on a bit of a reading whirlwind! Have not added anything new to my TBR list, but have made good progress on checking off a few books.


So, confession time. I haven’t really read anything in about 6 weeks. At least. It’s been a brutal slump between travel busyness, work ramping up for the fall and sheer laziness. I even got two books from the library that I had been waitlisted for for months….and only barely finished one. Grrrr!

To combat this, I am going to revert back to my goal of reading all the books that are actually IN my house. This means I’ve added Sorrow Wood by Raymond L. Atkins and A Quilter’s Holiday by Jennifer Chiaverini. They been on my coffee table since Joli visited Charlotte in April. Time to dive in!


I am going on vacation this weekend and will be sitting on a lake all week. Can’t wait to dive into Swing Time by Zadie Smith, which has been on my TBR for over a year. I also just got into graphic novels and have the first volume of Montress by artist Sana Takeda. My boyfriend, Luke, just finished the audiobook version of Ready Player One and loved it. I have a lot to choose from for vacation!


I have been a reading machine lately. My goal this year was 30 books, and I’ve already almost hit that. Just loving reading lately! There are just so many that I want to read. I’ve recently added the Outlander series to my list, after a whole bunch of women at book club talking about how good it is. A couple others I’ve added recently are Life After Life by Kate Atkinson because my therapist keeps talking about how much she likes it, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman because I keep seeing it everywhere, and The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey because it came up at book club and I remembered wanting to read it, but didn’t have it on my list yet for some reason.

What have you added to your list recently?

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