Why: There are two mottos that I live by; “Simple things amuse simple people” and “What fun would the world be if everyone were normal?” Sure The Golden Rule comes into play occasionally and other bits of wisdom are thrown …
Genre: General Non-Fiction
- Book ReviewsGeneral Non-Fiction
Review – Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology
by Joliby JoliListen up, science lovers. This one’s for you! This book is pretty dang awesome. It talks about REALLY complicated scientific ideas, but makes them understandable. Yes, sometimes I still felt in above my head, but the things I learned from …
If you’ve ever felt like you’re unable to decide on “what you want to be when you grow up”, no matter your age, this book is for you! I don’t read a lot of self-help books, but I enjoyed and …
This book was life changing, and I do not say that lightly. I come from a middle class family and I know how important it is to save money and pay off my credit card bill every month. But that …
This is such a lovely book!! If you’re looking for something for your coffee table, or just a nice, calming read for yourself, this one is a great option. The 1,001 ways to slow down are great – I love …
- Book ReviewsGeneral Non-FictionMemoir/Biography
Audiobook Review: The Boys in the Boat
by Kathleenby KathleenI’ve been meaning to read The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown since it came out in 2013. My students have been loving both the young …
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has long been criticized for being pretentious and elitist with a touch of sexism. But it has also been praised and continues to be praised as one of the most significant publications in history. Dictionaries …
My yoga journey is a typical one. I first attended a yoga class, begrudgingly, with my mom. I liked it well enough and attended semi-regularly. Then, I moved around a lot for the next four years while in graduate school …
- Book ReviewsGeneral Non-FictionMemoir/Biography
Book Tour Review: Run the World by Becky Wade
by Joliby JoliWhen I saw this book on the summer list of TLC Book Tours, I immediately wanted to check it out. I used to be a workout runner before I was diagnosed with lupus, so running culture is really interesting to me. …
Thanks to TLC Book Tours for the chance to read and review Lift! I should preface by saying last year, I decided I was going to try running. I downloaded the Couch to 5k app on my phone and made …