Review – Cedar Creek Critters: From A to Z

by Joli
Cedar Creek Critters Book Review

Thanks so much to Jonathan and Joshua Masterson for sending me a copy of Cedar Creek Critters to read with my 3-year-old daughter and review. This is such a sweet book!

About Cedar Creek Critters: From A to Z

Cedar Creek Critters

Explore Cedar Creek, from A to Z.

You can also find, Ls, Ms, and Ps,

The alphabet is all over town.

Look around—let’s see what can be found!

My Review

This book, created by two brothers, reminds me of my childhood 😍. The illustrations are so sweet! This particular hand-drawn look seems to have gone out of style, which makes no sense to me. It’s beautiful! The style reminds me very much of something like Peter Rabbit.

Each letter is accompanied by a critter and a little poem. My daughter’s favorite letter is H (yep you guessed, her name starts with H) so I’ll give you that one, plus the illustration:

H is for Hat.
Helen handles her hats with care;
she sets them gently upon her hair.
She sets them so they fit just right;
not too loose and not too tight.

Every poem is in a similar style – a little silly, a little fun, a little old-timey. I love how more of the words also start with the featured letter, like the critter’s name.

My daughter loves this book, and I’ve caught her paging through it on her own a few times.

This is going to be a very short review, because I just want to gift this book to all my mom friends. If that doesn’t show you what I think of Cedar Creek Critters, I’m not sure what will 😀.

Cedar Creek Critters

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