Top Ten Tuesday: Colorful Book Covers

by Rebecca

Is your day feeling gray? Are you feeling springtime-y and on the hunt for book covers to match your mood? Well, don’t you worry. We’ve got your back with this week’s Top Ten Tuesday: Colorful Book Covers!

I’ll be the first to admit it—despite the age-old saying, I ABSOLUTELY judge books by their covers. I can’t help myself. I’m drawn to bright colors like a moth to a flame, and my reading habits are no exception to that rule. I’m a sucker for a gorgeous cover, and heaven help the person who gets between me and a book with sprayed edges!

There are plenty of books out there that deserve love for their eye-catching covers, but it’s Top Ten Tuesday and I’m also a stickler for the rules, so here are ten colorful book covers to brighten up your Tuesday.

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Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton

This is one I added to my list immediately after I saw fellow LQ writer Joli post about reading it. Not only was I drawn in by the cover (which really was enough on its own), but I was also intrigued by the title. Awesome title, beautiful cover, AND recommended by a fellow LQ contributor? That’s a recipe for a must-read right there. | Amazon | Goodreads

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

Okay, remember what I told you about sprayed edges? They were teal. Teal. It would have been rude not to buy it. I generally tend to avoid fantasy—especially high fantasy, where the story takes place in a completely different world. Despite living my own life with my head in the clouds most of the time, I find it really difficult to get into the many different fantastical worlds out there. But I’m trying to branch out a little, and I’m SO glad I did with this one. I loved its feminist vibes and the general message that we tend to fear what we don’t understand. The cover (and the edges, don’t forget those edges!) is stunning, and so is the story. | Amazon | Goodreads

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

I do love an intergenerational family drama, and this one has been on my list for SO long. I’ve heard so many good things about it and I can’t wait to get stuck in. A novel about twin girls who grow up to lead drastically different lives and how our past influences our future, The Vanishing Half promises to be a story that is just as beautiful as the cover that holds it. | Amazon | Goodreads

Far from the Tree by Robin Benway

I had NO idea what I was getting into when I started this book. I had never heard of it before it was chosen as our book club pick last month. I was honestly blown away—it was one of those rare finds where I got so attached to the characters that I missed them when I finished the book. Heck, I still miss them. | Amazon | Goodreads

Wordslut by Amanda Montell

Who isn’t drawn to a bright yellow cover with bright blue text? This was such an interesting, well-written book. It was thoroughly entertaining and truly thought-provoking, and at times it made me literally laugh out loud. Wordslut brought sunshine into my life with both its cover and its content. | Amazon | Goodreads

Leopard is a Neutral by Erica Davies

Leopard is a Neutral is one I’ve been working on for the past few months. It’s definitely an entertaining read, but I’ve been taking my time with it because it’s one I read only when I’m in the mood to think about the clothes in my closet (which, as it turns out, is fairly infrequently). It’s full of helpful tips and tricks to look and feel your best, and the best part is THERE ARE NO RULES. It’s all about wearing what makes YOU happy, and I’m here for it. | Amazon | Goodreads

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

I have had Untamed on my TBR for far too long. I read Doyle’s Love Warrior after a breakup and found it to be hugely helpful in my healing process. I have had this one recommended to me on quite a few occasions, so there’s really no excuse for my not having read it yet (although I’m inclined to blame Bookstagram for distracting me with new releases). Glennon Doyle’s story is inspiring and I can’t wait to read this swirling, sparkling novel. | Amazon | Goodreads

Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu

Okay. I’m not sure I can accurately describe to you all how much I loved this book. I actually bought this one because I had seen that it was a movie on Netflix and it was on sale in the Kindle store. Because it’s on my Kindle, I don’t have the beautiful hot pink cover, but that quickly became unimportant to me once I started reading. This was such a sweet, relatable, and inspiring story, and it made me feel a LOT of different emotions. I can’t recommend this one enough. It’s lighthearted and relevant, and definitely worth a read. | Amazon | Goodreads

Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters

This is one I’ve just recently added to my TBR (thanks, Bookstagram), and I’m SO excited to read it. First of all, just LOOK at that cover. It’s a stunner! Secondly, it sounds like an INCREDIBLE book. It follows the lives of three women navigating the beautiful, yet turbulent waters of sex, gender and motherhood. I. Am. PUMPED. | Amazon | Goodreads

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center

Last, but definitely not least, we’ve got the captivatingly colorful cover of Things You Save in a Fire, a novel about a firefighter who uproots her life to be closer to her ailing mother, and finds herself amongst a crew that is less than thrilled to have a woman on board. I’m so looking forward to reading the book and having that brilliant blue on my bookshelf! | Amazon | Goodreads

I hope these ten colorful covers brightened your day! What are some colorful book covers that have caught your eye?

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Lydia April 20, 2021 - 9:17 am

I really need to read The Gilded Ones sometime.

My post:

Rebecca April 21, 2021 - 8:45 am

Oh totally, it’s definitely one I would recommend—especially if you like a bit of fantasy! 🙂 Love your TTT post! I’m an especially big fan of Esperanza Rising. I remember reading that one in school and I loved it!

Felicia Sue Lynn Reviews April 20, 2021 - 9:20 am

I really like the recurring theme of like colors layered in weird shapes that you have going on. Great list! 😀

Rebecca April 21, 2021 - 8:48 am

Haha thank you! That was purely accidental—I didn’t realize I loved weird, colorful shapes so much! 🙂 Absolutely love your list as well, I’m definitely going to have to add a few of those to my TBR!

Jo April 20, 2021 - 10:30 am

I love the cover for The Gilded Ones.

Rebecca April 21, 2021 - 8:49 am

Isn’t it gorgeous?! I’m obsessed. LOVE your post, you’ve got some great ones on there! 😀

Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books) April 20, 2021 - 3:25 pm

THE GILDED ONES has such a stand-out cover! I love that it’s unique and colorful. It definitely catches the eye.

Happy TTT!



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