When I say it feels surreal that this year is ending, I’ll bet I’m not alone. So many of us feel like time has gone so quickly, yet also stood still during this time of being at home. However you feel about the passage of time, it is, in fact, the middle of December, Christmas is only 10 days away, and it’s time to look forward to 2021.
What have you been reading in the last crazy month of this last crazy year? Here’s what some of the LQers have been into.
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I am technically re-reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen this month! While I had to read it in high school, I don’t remember much of the story. More recently, I read Mansfield Park for a college course, and I actually really like Jane Austen’s writing style. I’m only on chapter three of Pride and Prejudice, but I am enjoying how each character has a very distinct personality.
For December, I’m hoping to have some time curled up with a nice novel. I also plan to spend some time writing – I’m doing some fun strategic management research right now, so there’s a project to be written up, and I am hoping to do a couple of LQ reviews as well 🙂
My TBR this month isn’t planned, which means I’ll be able to pick up something fun and hopefully close out my 2020 reading year with a really good one – maybe one of the Goodreads winners??! Please put suggestions in the comments if you’ve got an idea for me!!

I love seeing what everyone else is reading each month, it really inspires me! I‘d like to read Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer this month – I wasn’t sure whether to read it or not but Jessica‘s review a few weeks ago swung it for me and I bought the book. I’m looking forward to reliving my teenage years when reading it haha!

In November, I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month for those who may not know!). As a result I was doing a looot of writing and not much reading. Once NaNo was over, I found myself almost overwhelmed by my to-be-read pile. Nevertheless, I recently finished Once a Runner by John L Parker Jr – a MUST read if you are a runner. I am currently training for a half-marathon in February, so this book really struck a chord with me.

I recently received Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline in the mail, and am re-listening to Ready Player One – because why not? I hope to get to Ready Player Two before the year is out!
During the busy holiday season I like fun, light-hearted books, so I am also reading Kiki’s Delivery Service by Eiko Kadono. I checked it out of my local library as an Halloween read but am just now getting to it – whoops!

My current read is Voyager by Diana Gabaldon, a.k.a. Outlander #3. I am just LOVING the Outlander series, guys. It really sweeps me up and away, and it’s perfect pandemic reading. I’m also watching it on Netflix and just managed to finish season one (it took me a couple months because I pretty much never have time to watch TV. I’m reading and momming instead!). It’s just beautiful and dramatic in all the right ways for me.

I read Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah in November as a buddy read with some wonderful book lovin’ ladies on Instagram, hosted by @thebookclubmom. Hannah is an author I’ve wanted to read more of ever since I read The Nightingale, and Firefly Lane has been sitting on my shelf for a long time. Let’s just say I now have every book by Kristin Hannah on my TBR 😂 because oh my good gracious was it good! Hannah is a serious master at writing about relationships and all their nuances. I also cried like a gol dang baby at the end, and I really do not cry while reading books….really ever. This one was just. So. Beautiful and heartwrenching and…..😭😭😭. I’m signed up with the same group to buddy read the sequel, Fly Away. I’ll have to take a break from Outlander to read it, so hopefully I can make myself do that in time to talk about Fly Away with the group after Christmas.

I’ve heard about Louise Penny’s books for years, and finally picked up her first novel, Still Life. This is the beginning of her Inspector Gamache mystery series set in a cozy, Canadian town and I’m excited to see how it turns out!
Response from Caleigh: Welcome to the fan club. I love the Gamache series. Penny brings out the best in Quebecois geography and our brutal but also sometimes magical seasons. Unfortunately Three Pines isn’t a real place, but sometimes it feels like it could be!
That’s all we’ve got this month! What have you read recently? What’s your current read?