Review: We Met in December

by Rachel
Published: Updated:

I always have high hopes when a new holiday book comes to my attention. I love the sweet romance, holiday cheer, and just enough conflict to keep things interesting that you always find in these types of books. We Met in December does technically have all those criteria, but it didn’t come together as well as I hoped.

We Met in December features a woman who’s following her dreams by moving to London. Jess is starting an exciting new job in publishing and luckily a friend offers her a remarkably cheap room in her house. The house is shared by five people, one of whom is an incredibly attractive guy with a great personality. Jess and Alex hit it off immediately during her few days there in December as she’s moving in. However, when she comes back from her Christmas break, she learns Alex and another girl in the house are hooking up. The book follows the rest of her year living on the house as she continues to pine over Alex, adjust to her new job, and eventually start to look for love elsewhere.

When you see a book with a snowy cover and December in the title you automatically assume you’re in for a holiday treat. We Met in December didn’t exactly live up to that expectation. Sure, Jess and Alex did meet in December and the story ultimately ends around the same time the following year, but the majority of the book takes place throughout the year. It’s not a flaw necessarily, just different from what I was hoping.

Also the pacing is a bit slow and the story seems filled with a few unnecessary chapters. There are random scenes included that had nothing to do overall with the story.

In spite of these little things, I still enjoyed reading this book. I love a cute romance and pretty much any story that takes place in London. One of the unique aspects were the many walks Jess and Alex took throughout the city. Since I’ve visited, it was fun reading about some places I saw in person and others I never knew existed.

If you’re a fan of Hallmark movies, chick lit, or any sweet story with a bit of a holiday theme, pick this one up!

About We Met in December

• Paperback: 400 pages
• Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks (November 5, 2019)

Following a year in the life of a twenty-something British woman who falls hard for her London flat mate, this clever, fun, and unforgettable romantic comedy is the perfect feel-good holiday read.

Two people. One house. A year that changes everything. 

Twenty-nine-year-old Jess is following her dream and moving to London. It’s December, and she’s taking a room in a crumbling, but grand, Notting Hill house-share with four virtual strangers. On her first night, Jess meets Alex, the guy sharing her floor, at a Christmas dinner hosted by her landlord. They don’t kiss, but as far as Jess is concerned the connection is clear. She starts planning how they will knock down the wall between them to spend more time together.

But when Jess returns from a two-week Christmas holiday, she finds Alex has started dating someone else—beautiful Emma, who lives on the floor above them. Now Jess faces a year of bumping into (hell, sharing a bathroom with) the man of her dreams…and the woman of his.


About Rosie Curtis

Rosie Curtis was born in the Highlands of Scotland, and now lives with her family in a 150 year old house by the sea in the north west of England. She loves travel, happy ever after stories, and daydreaming. Her favourite book character is a toss up between Anne Shirley and Jo March. Rosie also writes adult and teen fiction as Rachael Lucas.

We Met in December Book Cover
We Met in December William Morrow Paperbacks 400

wo people. One house. A year that changes everything. 

Twenty-nine-year-old Jess is following her dream and moving to London. It’s December, and she’s taking a room in a crumbling, but grand, Notting Hill house-share with four virtual strangers. On her first night, Jess meets Alex, the guy sharing her floor, at a Christmas dinner hosted by her landlord. They don’t kiss, but as far as Jess is concerned the connection is clear. She starts planning how they will knock down the wall between them to spend more time together.

But when Jess returns from a two-week Christmas holiday, she finds Alex has started dating someone else—beautiful Emma, who lives on the floor above them. Now Jess faces a year of bumping into (hell, sharing a bathroom with) the man of her dreams…and the woman of his.

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Sara November 13, 2019 - 3:40 pm

I’ve got just a handful of chapters left and you’re right, this is screaming “Hallmark movie” all over it! Thank you for being on this tour! Sara @ TLC Book Tours

Kortnee September 9, 2020 - 12:58 pm

Bummer it wasn’t quite what you’d hoped! That’s so funny you compared it to a Hallmark movie because it was kind of sounding like that to me. And I’m not a fan of those so I’ll be passing on this book. Nice review!


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