TBR Mix n’ Mingle – October 2019

by Joli
Published: Updated:

Flannel. Spooky stuff. Pumpkins. Helloooo October! We’re back with another edition of our TBR Mix n’ Mingle today, where you can check out what we’re planning on reading this month and possibly add another book (or several?) to your ever-growing TBR list! We post these on the first day of every month, and you can join!

Make sure to add your TBR list in the linkup at the bottom of the post, or in the comments if you’re not a blogger. Don’t forget to check out all of the other TBR lists linked as well!

Here’s what we’re reading this month…


Hey guys! So, September was an actually BOMB month for me, reading-wise. Turns out, sometimes not setting a big goal can be really helpful (hint, see my latest article on the Goodreads Reading Challenge!) I finished 7 books last month, so hooray for #NationalLiteracyMonth.

Now on to October! My TBR is 2 books:

1) What Makes Love Last, by John Gottman – considered to be the “relationship guru”, Gottman’s Love Lab is purportedly one of the most successful relationship assessment (and research/publishing) groups in the United States. This book provides helpful information for those trying to navigate positive relationship interactions.

2) The End of The Day, by Claire North – ANOTHER Claire North, Caleigh? YUP. I love everything she does. North writes earth-bound/realistic fantasy novels (or sometimes dystopian future-types), and does so in a pretty compelling way. I found a copy at my local library, and it’s sitting waiting to be cracked open at my bedside!


Ever since starting part-time at our local library my TBR list has become a mess! It may or may not be because I keep checking out books that catch my eye while shelving…;) October is my month to organize my reading priorities! By the end of the month I hope to have finished…

The Physical Books

1) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling

I began a re-read of the Harry Potter series starting 7/31/2019 (Harry’s birthday obviously!). I was going to read a book/month but September got busy! I am hoping to get back on track this month!

2) The Yiddish Policeman’s Union by Michael Chabon

I am a very tardy member of YA author John Green’s Life’s Library book club, which is now a few books ahead of the one I am on – oops! I am allllmost done with this book.

The Audiobooks

1) A Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

I am yet another gal hooked on the Outlander book series! These books are such lengthy reads! I have the audiobook downloaded and have already been enjoying listening to a chapter or two working mindless tasks at the office during the day or puttering around the kitchen in the evening.

2) A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (books 10 and 11)

I have been steadily working my way through this series – which are HILARIOUS! I have the audiobooks in my car (It will be a dark day when the time comes that I own a car with NO cd player!). It’s amazing how much book I get “read” driving about town and to and from work!


I’m hoping to whip through a couple books after taking FOREVER to finish The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai (review to come). I enjoyed reading it but it was long and just took me forever in between everything I had going on in September. I don’t have long, luxurious stretches of time to read anymore now that I’m a mom, so sometimes my reading life just has to go a little slower!

Here’s what I’m hoping for October:

First, we’re reading a ghostly read for Girly Book Club in honor of Halloween: The Broken Girls by Simone St. James. It has some pretty great ratings – I just hope it’s not too scary 😂. Scary is so not my thing! Or at least, I don’t think it is….maybe this book will change my mind. Who knows?!

Besides that one, this is going to make your head spin, but I haven’t yet read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 🙈. I know, I know, how does someone with an English degree make it to 32 years old without having read Little Women?? It’s a serious problem. I’ve been wanting to read it for forever, but then at book club this month, I won a copy of Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra. If I’m going to read a novel inspired by Little Women, I have to read it first!


The Grammarians by Cathleen Schine: This novel about twins obsessed with a dictionary sounds super nerdy and right up my alley!

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood: This is one of my most anticipated books of the year, and I’m SO excited it came in so quickly at the library. Hoping to dive in soon!

Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman: This memoir was recommended on a favorite podcast, and since I’m about to become a new parent, I thought it would be an interesting one to check out.

Check out the rest of my list on my blog, The Hungry Bookworm.


IT by Stephen King – Last year I started reading IT because I know it’s considered one of Stephen King’s best novels. I was immediately sucked in and loved the story, but I started losing steam around halfway through. The book is over 1000 pages, so cut me some slack! I’m hoping to finish it this year and October is the perfect month to pick it up again!

Check out the rest of my October TBR list over on my blog: Never Enough Novels

What are you planning to read this month?

Join our linkup below and share your TBR lists!

Our next linkup will be November 1, 2019!

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