TBR Mix N’ Mingle – November

by Allison

Welcome back to another edition of TBR Mix n’ Mingle. On the first Wednesday of every month, we share our most anticipated reads and invite you to do the same!

Make sure to add your TBR list in the linkup at the bottom of the post. Don’t forget to check out all of the other TBR lists linked as well! Don’t have a blog? Tell us about the books you want to read in the comments below.

We’re excited to be mingling with Joli again this month who has recently returned from having a baby! Congratulations Joli! We’ve got some good books on the horizon this month. We can’t wait to see what you’ll be reading too!

Here’s what we’re reading this month:


My TBR list for November is EXCESSIVE guys. I ACTUALLY read my first 2 selections for the month in October (yay me!) but the other 2 still linger… they may become my white whales. So joining them this month will be:

1) I have a Girly Book Club read: On a Cold Dark Sea by Elizabeth Blackwell. I’m not super excited for this one, but I’ve only read the back cover so I could be pleasantly surprised for sure.

2) My TLC book review for this month is called When Women Ruled the World by Kara Cooney. I’m loving my non-fiction reads lately, and this one I don’t think will be any exception. I am genuinely thrilled that I get to review this book.


3) I am CURRENTLY reading a book that has been on my TBR for a while, American Marriage by Tayari Jones. It’s about the strain on a marriage that occurs when husband Roy is wrongfully accused, arrested and incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit.

4) I just got a copy of Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, and I definitely feel like it’s time to read this oft-tolled book. Is it self help? Is it a textbook? I don’t know, but I will surely find out soon.

Alright, see ya later, I need to go find a comfy couch and a cup of tea, because I have a WHOLE lot of reading to do this month!




I’m hoping to find some more time in November for reading, in addition to my new mom status! Here are a few I’ve got my eye on this month:

1. The Man Who Caught the Storm – The Life of Legendary Tornado Chaser Tim Samaras
I actually went to college initially to major in Meteorology! I’m a weather nerd, but I ended up having a really hard time with college math classes and simultaneously fell in love with writing and my English Lit classes. So, although I changed my major and did not become a meteorologist, I love the whole concept of tornado chasing and figuring out how tornadoes form and work. This book is about the life (and death) of a really well-known tornado chaser.

2. Turtles All the Way Down – I know I’m late to the game with this one, but I own it and really want to get to it! Faster reads are my friend with a newborn to take care of, and I think this one will both read quickly and be engrossing.

3. Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander #2) – This one is not a one-month book…I’m sure it’ll take me multiple months! Ha. But I loved the first book in the Outlander series, so it’s high time I start on the second. Talk about a book that just sweeps you away to another land! I think it’ll be perfect to read over the holidays.



Make sure to check out Allison‘s, Megan‘s Rachel‘s, and Rebecca‘s TBR list as well over on their blogs.

What are you planning on reading this month. Add your link in the linkup below or tell us in the comments!

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I'm a southern girl living in St. Paul, MN. I can often be found hiding from the real world and avoiding responsibilities by reading a copious amount of books. You can also find my ramblings about life and literature over at mynovelife.com.

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1 comment

Annette November 9, 2018 - 6:05 am

I love nonfiction!

I am reading The Soul of an Octopus. Beautiful, almost lyrical book.

Recently read Stranger in the Woods: the Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit. Very interesting discussions on hermit behavior in history, solitude, introversion and Asperger’s continuum.

Also, I highly recommend The Feather Thief. I learned a lot about the feather trade and fly tying. Great history of bird identification and collection.


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