Audiobook Review: As You Wish

by Rachel
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It’s taken me a long long time to give audiobooks a fair shot. I always fell firmly in the “It doesn’t count if you’re listening” camp. I know I know, I was wrong!! Not until I signed up for Scrib’d (which I’ll admit, was initially only for their ebook collection), did I realize the beauty of audiobooks. It’s only been a few months, but my favorite book thus far is As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride. Nonfiction isn’t typically my go-to genre, but I couldn’t scroll past a book about The Princess Bride! If you haven’t seen the movie, just stop reading and go do that first. I promise, you’ll love it. I’ll wait…

Ok, now we’re all on the same page. Anyone who’s seen the movie or has a general interest in behind-the-scenes stories will enjoy this book. Cary Elwes, who obviously stars as the dashing and faithful Westley, regales readers with memories from his experience making this movie. I’m sure the paper format is quite delightful itself, but there’s no denying that hearing Cary himself (as well as a few other cast and crew) narrate is even better.

Since I love The Princess Bride, it’s wonderful to hear that the cast and crew enjoyed making it just as much as audiences now enjoy watching. Plus, Cary relates plenty of funny stories and bits of behind-the-scenes information that make me want to view the movie yet again. I wish I could see all of the outtakes with Billy Crystal ad-libbing in his role as Mad Max. Or view the legendary sword fight scene in person. Thankfully, Cary brings these to light in a way that makes you feel like you were there.

At 7 hours long, As You Wish is a fairly quick audiobook that you can easily start and stop whenever you feel like being put in a good mood. Plus, I immediately wanted to watch the movie after I finished to pick out the behind the scenes moments Cary discussed. Overall, a fun experience for any fan!

What other audiobooks would you recommend?

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I'm an accountant living in Pennsylvania who spends all of my spare time reading, baking, and traveling the world. I love talking about books with fellow bookworms, so I started my blog, Never Enough Novels, and joined the group here at Literary Quicksand!

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