Review: Castle of Water

by Joli
Published: Updated:

Oh my goodness, how I loved this book! I hope Dane Huckelbridge writes more fiction, because I will definitely read it.

Castle of Water is the story of castaways on a desert island. Sound cliche? In this novel, it’s not at all! It’s dramatic, it’s funny, it’s romantic, it’s everything you’d want it to be. I’m particularly picky about the writing I enjoy, and I fell in love with Huckelbridge’s prose. It’s engaging and colorful and unlike most other fiction prose out there.

I’ll try to review the story without giving too much away. In the beginning, a plane goes down over the ocean. A seemingly uninteresting banker and a young newlywed woman are the survivors, and they form the most unlikely of bonds. Think Gilligan’s Island with the shtick, plus Castaway with the drama, plus the romance of Atonement. And if you need more proof that I enjoyed this book, here it is: I read it in a weekend. I don’t usually get around to reading often enough to finish a book in a weekend, but this one I just didn’t want to stop reading.

I feel like if I say any more about the book, I’m going to give away what happens, and I don’t want that. I want you to go and pick it up and read it, because it’s lovely and sad and dramatic and beautiful.  This is a super short review, but you know what? Oh well. Just put this one on your TBR now please 🙂

4.5 stars.

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Megan @ The Hungry Bookworm June 28, 2018 - 10:28 am

Wow, 4.5 stars! What a glowing review – I can’t wait to read it! It will be my first Erin book. I plan to start it on Sunday 🙂

Joli June 28, 2018 - 12:40 pm

Oh awesome!! I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did. I just remember it being different and unexpected, and just the kind of crazy story I needed to disappear into for a while.


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