A lot of fun was packed into this summer. But you know what? I’m ready for fall. I’m ready to break out my sweatshirts for cozy season. Hopefully, along with cozy season will come more time to read some great …
Book Lists
Ah, summer. Here in Minnesota, we joke that we get 9 months of winter. It’s not always true, but sometimes it really feels like it takes forever to warm up in the spring, then cools off much to quickly in …
Science fiction looks at science or technology from the outside, asking important questions about the future, but usually treating real science as beside the point. Science-based fiction, in contrast, doesn’t look at science—it uses science to look.
WHEW. Just last week I began working on this post, not realizing that I wouldn’t finish it before heading to the ER with some crazy symptoms, then getting hospitalized for Salmonella poisoning!! It’s….not something I recommend. BUT. I’m back home, …
Do April snow showers bring May flowers? Because that’s pretty much how it went in Minnesota in April 😆. Thankfully these first days of May have finally warmed up and the whole state seems to be outside enjoying it! Bring …
It was a cold, cold March in Minnesota — all the better for cozy reading nights, I suppose! The only positive about a colder than average spring so far 😆. As I write this under a cozy plush blanket, there …
It might have been the shortest month of the year, but we weren’t short on good books here at Literary Quicksand! I’m in the middle of a LONG book I was ecstatic to be approved for on NetGalley – Abraham …
Welcome to our first recap in 2023! How did your reading year start? Mine started pretty normally – I read 4 books in January, and I average one a week. So, I’m on track! I did have one DNF this …
When winter sets in, do you crave a few winter reads? Or maybe you like them in the dog days of summer to help you cool off. Either way, books set in winter can be really cozy reads! To help …
Good news: the annual Best Historical Fiction list is back! This is Literary Quicksand’s 3rd year of curating an epic list of historical fiction. As with the previous years, I’ll do my best to keep coming back and updating this …