Review: All Over the Map

by Caleigh
Published: Updated:
All Over the Map

Ok friends, I have to tell you, All Over the Map caught my eye when we were selecting our TLC Book Tour books, but it REALLY caught my eye when it arrived at my apartment complex. When this large book came into my life, I was struck immediately by one thing, and this kept going… and going… and going…

This book is possibly the most beautiful book I have ever owned in my entire life.

Don’t believe me? I took some shots of the pages (hopefully this is ok with National Geographic, because honestly I just LOVE the pages and had to share some of them – what a difficult selection it was!).

Tracking the Mississippi – All Over the Map (copyright National Geographic)


From the rivers of the Mississippi, to the Curse of the Nicaragua Canal, All Over the Map fascinated me with the water maps. There is shocking data hidden among the pages that captivated me from the very beginning and then held my attention all the way through. Granted, I’m a bit of a nerd about water, but this was just SO cool to see in an image what I have studied for the better part of my adult years.

But wait: there’s MORE! (I sound like I’m plugging this but National Geographic, thank you for this copy of the book in exchange for my honest review, which is somewhat me being a fan-girl of your work)




The Ages of Amsterdam – All Over the Map (copyright National Geographic)


Through the sections about war, demographics/cities, landscapes, and popular media (to name a few), the cartographic design is just stunning, and the writing by Mason and Miller just keeps you turning pages. More than just imagery, each map tells a story. The writers have captured so much detail, you would think it would get boring. However, I would honestly give anyone a go at finding a page that doesn’t have a tidbit that keeps you on your toes.  All Over the Map may be pretty, but it’s got bite too! (suggested catchphrase for publishers: “Not your Aunt Linda’s coffee table book”).





I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone looking to bring something interesting to their home as a statement piece OR for nerdy, fun content! Pick yours up and find it at the links below:


Purchase Links

National Geographic | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About All Over the Map

All Over the Map• Hardcover: 320 pages
• Publisher: National Geographic (October 30, 2018)

Created for map lovers by map lovers, this rich book explores the intriguing stories behind maps across history and illuminates how the art of cartography thrives today.

In this visually stunning book, award-winning journalists Betsy Mason and Greg Miller–authors of the National Geographic cartography blog “All Over the Map”–explore the intriguing stories behind maps from a wide variety of cultures, civilizations, and time periods. Based on interviews with scores of leading cartographers, curators, historians, and scholars, this is a remarkable selection of fascinating and unusual maps.

This diverse compendium includes ancient maps of dragon-filled seas, elaborate graphics picturing unseen concepts and forces from inside Earth to outer space, devious maps created by spies, and maps from pop culture such as the schematics to the Death Star and a map of Westeros from Game of Thrones. If your brain craves maps–and Mason and Miller would say it does, whether you know it or not–this eye-opening visual feast will inspire and delight.

About Betsy Mason

BETSY MASON is a science journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Previously she was the online science editor for Wired, where she built an award-winning science section, the highest-traffic section on the site. Mason earned a master’s degree in geology at Stanford University.

Follow Betsy on Twitter, @betsymason.

About Greg Miller

GREG MILLER is a science and tech journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Previously he was a senior writer at Wired and a staff writer at Science, where he won several honors. Miller earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience at Stanford University.

Follow Greg on Twitter, @dosmonos.

Tour Stops

Tuesday, October 23rd: BookNAround

Tuesday, October 30th: A Bookish Way of Life

Thursday, November 1st: Cartography. Design. Research.

Friday, November 2nd: Wall-to-Wall Books

Monday, November 5th: Instagram: @shereadswithcats

Tuesday, November 6th: Instagram: @notthepathtonarnia

Wednesday, November 7th: Instagram: @reading.wanderwoman

Wednesday, November 7th: Ms. Nose in a Book

Thursday, November 8th: Kahakai Kitchen

Friday, November 9th: Instagram: @dropandgivemenerdy

Monday, November 12th: Map of the Week

Monday, November 19th: Literary Quicksand

Tuesday, November 20th: Instagram: @j.stolarz

Monday, November 26th: Doing Dewey

author avatar
Based out of Kingston, ON Canada, I am a young professional working at St.Lawrence College. When not reading or working, I spend a lot of my time with my young dressage horse Roo.

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Betsy Mason and Greg Miller, authors of All Over the Map, on tour October/November 2018 | TLC Book Tours November 23, 2018 - 2:45 pm

[…] Monday, November 19th: Literary Quicksand […]

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours November 23, 2018 - 2:50 pm

This is a gorgeous book! I think my son would love it as a Christmas gift.
Thanks for being on the tour!


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