Review: Surprise Yourself

by Joli
Published: Updated:

You may have heard from my post about You’re Weird that I’m a prompted journal fan. If you’re also someone who enjoys prompted journals, Surprise Yourself is for you!

This is such a unique one – I’ve never seen any sort of journal like this one. For instance, the very first prompt told me to walk out the door and go in roughly the line map on the page, which would equate to around a couple blocks. It asks you to notice certain things along the way, and write them out.

There are a lot of prompts throughout the book that will have you doing things that don’t include sitting there, writing. Of course, there are some traditional prompts like that, but there are a lot that are totally different.

I would recommend this journal to anyone who’s looking for a more unique experience with prompts. I will say that it takes a little more commitment than just opening a book and writing – you know, you actually have to get up and do things, and……well, surprise yourself! It’s really fun, and I’ve loved looking through all of the prompts at the original things it has you doing.

Thanks so much to TarcherPerigee for sending me this journal in exchange for an honest review!

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