Occupation: International Admissions Officer
City: Kingston, ON Canada
Preferred Genres:
Fiction, Historic or Current
Sometimes Fantasy, Sometimes Mystery, Sometimes Autobiographies
Favorite Books:
Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Reading Habits:
I used to be a very avid reader in my teens, and a testament to this is how many YA authors are on my Goodreads top picks shelf. While fighting through my undergraduate degree in Engineering, I definitely lost touch with my more “right-brain” tendencies. After finishing school, I realized that I was missing out on so much literature, both old and new.
I started to read about one book a month, but in 2017 I read more than 1 book a week. I prefer print books, but I can be pretty hard on them. For travel and ease of carry, I do have an IPad and will often read e-books or listen to audiobooks, mostly through Hennepin County Library’s fantastic app, Overdrive.
For years, I was a member of Girly Book Club (Minneapolis Branch) as well as Books and Bars. I find that this way, my reads are less limited to what I would always choose, and I certainly have found some favourites that I would NEVER have picked up otherwise! It also has allowed me to build a friend group of likeminded women, and I feel much more comfortably situated in my life today as a result of my reading habit. I am very excited to be a part of LQ, as I feel that adding some analysis and writing to my intake of stories helps to both diversify my bookshelf and improve my vocabulary and style!
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