Occupation: Women’s Kayak Outdoor Retreat Assistant / Dog Handler
City: Minneapolis, MN
Preferred Genres: Environment/Outdoors, Food, Spirituality, History/Travel, Memoir, Modern Fiction
Favorite Books:
I find it nearly impossible to pick favorites because I read so many great books from such different genres. But a few books that I read over and over again are Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger; American Gods by Neil Gaiman; and Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. I also wear thin my favorite field guides: Field Guide to Nature of the Midwest by Kaufman and Birds of Minnesota and Wisconsin by Robert Janssen.
Reading Habits: I do a lot of my reading in bed. Also, in the summer, I tend to read and walk a lot; people always have interesting reactions to this. I read non-fiction slowly and fiction must faster, often at the same time.
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