Review: How To Be Everything

by Joli
Published: Updated:

If you’ve ever felt like you’re unable to decide on “what you want to be when you grow up”, no matter your age, this book is for you! I don’t read a lot of self-help books, but I enjoyed and was inspired by this one.

Recently, I’ve been having a lot of ideas about which direction my career could go. I enjoy the company I work for currently and I enjoy what I do (web marketing), but I have other interests and passions too that I would love to indulge. Of course I love books, I want to be an author, and I also would like to work on a project (a website maybe?) for other moms, like me, who’ve experienced the loss of a pregnancy or baby.

So, I’ve been….well, kind of all over the place. There are too many things I want to do, and too little time to do them all. I picked this book off the TLC Book Tours list because it sounded like just what I needed to help sort out all my interests/passions and my career.

How to Be Everything is a guide for “multipotentialites”, or people who have potential across a number of careers and interests and aren’t easily satisfied by one specialty career. Author Emilie Wapnick not only provides ideas and solutions for how to harness your multipotentialite-ism, but also profiles several individuals who make their varied (and often very different) interests and passions work for them.

Wapnick proposes four general types of solutions for multipotentialites. I was really inspired by her “group hug” approach, which means that all of my interests and passions can sort of fit together in a career and side projects that all make sense together, in a group.

I loved how each portion of this book had an easy “key points” wrap-up at the end, and there were activities for you to do throughout to figure out how to make your multipotentiality work for you.

Overall, I loved this book and it was really useful for me to read! I definitely plan to put some of Wapnick’s ideas into action to create a satisfying and fulfilling career and life. 4.5 stars!

Thanks to TLC Book Tours and HarperCollins for a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair review.

Purchase Links: HarperCollins | Amazon Barnes & Noble
Author Links: Website, FacebookTwitter, and Instagram


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I'm currently a full-time writer/content strategist with an English degree living in Minneapolis, MN with my husband, young daughter, and black lab mix. I created Literary Quicksand to feed my love of books, writing, and community.

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Elizabeth (Silver's Reviews) May 6, 2017 - 1:51 pm

Excellent review and sounds like an excellent book to read…thanks for sharing.

I hope you are having a good weekend.

Silver’s Reviews
My Blog

Joli May 6, 2017 - 2:06 pm

Thanks Elizabeth! Same to you!

Emilie Wapnick, author of How to Be Everything, on tour May 2017 | TLC Book Tours May 15, 2017 - 12:44 pm

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