Oh hey! What am I doing posting this more than a week into the beginning of the month, you ask? Well, maybe you’re not asking and don’t really care as much as I do that this post is late, but …
I'm currently a full-time writer/content strategist with an English degree living in Minneapolis, MN with my husband, young daughter, and black lab mix. I created Literary Quicksand to feed my love of books, writing, and community. More About Me
My little girl started Kindergarten this week! She went for three glorious days and loved it all. I’m definitely living vicariously through her as I remember my own early school years…discovering the glories of lunch and recess and friend making …
As a lover of Cheryl Strayed’s Wild, is there room in my life for another hiking-a-very-long-trail book? Sure, it’s a different trail (Strayed hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Sally hiked the Appalachian Trail), but it’s a very similar concept. Read …
I’m putting this post together while I sit here watching the Olympics. I’m a huge Olympics fan and I try to take in as much of it as I can throughout the few weeks that it’s on. There are just …
Do you like books with fraught relationships? The relationship at the center of The Favor by Adele Griffin definitely qualifies! But is it fraught in a good, enjoyable-to-read way? Read on to find out what I thought. The Summary At …
As soon as someone said something about the year being half over, I had to wonder how the heck that happened. Where did the year go?? Guess I must be having fun with the time flying by like this. June …
Somehow, it’s almost summer. My calendar is filling up with events—town festivals, kid birthday parties, cabin trips…hopefully there are a few minutes of reading time that can be found in there somewhere. Here’s a list of what a few of …
This debut caught my eye because of the gorgeous cover! The bright flowers and artwork of a beautiful woman with flowers cascading down her hair stood out so much, I couldn’t resist reading it. The question is, did the story …
Wow, suddenly it’s mid-May and I’m JUST posting what we read in April. I have a good excuse, though…I was in Cancun! The company I work for is 100% remote, and once a year we get together for a retreat. …
Are you a person who rereads? The following is a guest post by fellow book blogger (and rereader) Julia DiGeronimo. Meet her at the bottom! — I’m a chronic rereader. When I read a book that has me feeling 100 …