Hey November! It’s Thanksgiving month. If your family is anything like most families right now, you’re probably struggling with your plans for Thanksgiving. Do you get together during a pandemic? Do you stay home? Do you Zoom? Whatever you decide to do, books can be a calming, centering constant. At least, that’s how they’re feeling for me ❤️.
Here’s what some of us are reading this month!
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I’m about to start reading Reverie, a YA novel by Ryan La Sala. Kane Montgomery loses his memory after a car accident, and his reality has been shifting ever since—quite literally. The gym suddenly becomes a temple, for one thing. Kane realizes that only he can prevent the fabric of our reality from unraveling. Some reviewers are saying that it reminds them of Inception. It is also marked as LGBT representative, so I’m very curious about this book.
With my first Master’s course down (oh yeah, surprise!! I decided my life wasn’t complete, and needed some more side-hustle in the form of education which is kind of exactly the opposite of side-hustle…) I am finally getting to read and write for fun again. So the first thing I’m going to be doing for November is tackle some books and some writing.

The Road to Woop Woop by Eugen Bacon
I will be reviewing this one for LQ, and it looks super exciting (I LOVE collections of stories, let me know if you’re a fan in the comments). Check it out on Goodreads if you love the title (I certainly do!!)
Little Women by Louisa M Alcott
Honestly, I really want to watch the movie, but you know me guys… I have a rule. And I think TECHNICALLY I could watch it, because I read the book when I was super young, but frankly I remember nothing. So it’s time for a new-to-me classic read!
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney – I think I might have already listed this one, but oops, didn’t get to it. So I’ll get that one back and keep going. So far, I’m not as much a fan of it as Normal People, which is a bit sad.
This is a bit more than I usually take on, so wish me luck guys!!

This month I am going a bit dark on a lot of my usual book reviewing and reading because I am participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)! It has more or less taken my free time over so far, and therefore I have whittled down my reading expectations for this month. I just started reading To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini. I also hope to maybe start Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling. Ernest Cline’s much anticipated sequel, Ready Player Two, is also coming out later this month, so I may listen to the audiobook. Short and light are the key words!

This month, I’m doing a buddy read on Instagram of Kristin Hannah’s Firefly Lane. I’m about 2/3 done with it and just loving the heck out of it! I can’t believe I let this gem of a book sit on my shelves for so long without picking it up. Thankful I saw a buddy read going on and decided to join in!
I’m also going to read Color Me In by Natasha Díaz for book club. It’s YA, which is a genre I haven’t visited in a while. It’s also a coming-of-age story, which I tend to love, so I’m looking forward to it. Book club is only in 3 days though and I haven’t started it yet, so I guess I better hurry up!

I’m starting the month with two books in progress. We Ride Upon Sticks is a book about a girl’s field hockey team that makes some promises to…some kind of dark force in order to have a winning season. It’s filled with ’80s nostalgia and references to the Salem Witch Trials, and is great so far! My other current read is The Likeness, a mystery by Tana French. Hoping to pick up something else this month, maybe Practical Magic or J. Courtney Sullivan’s Friends and Strangers?
That does it for us! What are you reading this month?