February: the love month. The love….of books month? Yep, going with it! Time to snuggle in while we all get really sick of winter and get some reading done.
Welcome to our February 2020 TBR Mix n’ Mingle linkup! Check out what we have on our lists for the month below.
Make sure to add your TBR list in the linkup at the bottom of the post, or in the comments if you’re not a blogger. Don’t forget to check out all of the other TBR lists linked as well!
Here’s what we’re reading this month…

I started strong with The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt in January but got busy in the final days! Hoping to finish it with in the first week or so! I am also planning to finish Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder.
I have also had this strange tradition of listening to Star Wars books on audio in my car in the winter. Very random, I know! I am currently listening to A New Hope – The Princess, The Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy by Alexandra Bracken. My nerdy heart is happy so I have requested the next two audiobooks from the library!

The February pick for my book club is The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer. I think I’m a little jaded about it because it kind of borrows from the title of one of my all-time faves, All the Light We Cannot See. It’s historical fiction too, so I just wonder why the title had to be so similar. Anywho, hopefully the book will be good and I won’t care about the title!
I have another new book club of mom friends that I have yet to join, but this month they’re reading Educated by Tara Westover. This book is obviously everywhere and has been on my list, so I think I’m going to try to get to it this month and attend book club! Of course, though, the wait at the library is way too long, so I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy it. I’ll probably love it, though, and then enjoy having it on my shelf!

This month I’m going to try to finish two books: one denser non-fiction and a lighter fiction book.
For the non-fiction I’m hoping to snag a library copy of The Great Rift, about the relationship between Dick Cheney and Colin Powell in the White House. I’m always interested in books about political and military events, so hopefully I’ll get to this before the end of the month.
I’m also looking forward to picking up Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra. I love modern re-tellings and with all of the discussion about Little Women, I’m looking forward to picking this up.

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield: A book I’ve been trying to get through for a while now (not because it’s bad, just because as a brand new mom, I have barely any time…) and I’m really hoping to finish it in February! Wish me luck 🙂
The Martian by Andy Weir: If I finish Once Upon a River, I’m planning to dive into this re-read. It’s action-packed, and if I remember correctly from last time, pretty un-put-down-able. Just what I need right now!
Some more on life updates and the rest of my February TBR here:

The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren is high on my TBR for February! I’m a big fan of this writing duo and I have a copy of their new release from NetGalley waiting for me. I’m hoping it will live up to their other fun romances.
Check out the other books on my February To Be Read list too: https://neverenoughnovels.com/2020/02/01/to-be-read-february-2020/
What are you planning to read this month?
Join our linkup below and share your TBR lists!