It can be difficult to write a full fledged book review for every book you read. For me, writing a short Goodreads’ review can be just enough. Less pressure for me, more book recommendations for you!

Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan
So without further ado, here’s what I’ve been reading lately.
Brain on Fire
After experiencing a brain disease that renders her insane for a month without any recollection, Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan has weaved together a narrative that hits you like a truck. I’ve read other medical non-fiction works (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks/The Family Gene) and am always amazed at what the human body is capable of, good or bad. Cahalan’s journalistic abilities shine through here. This is well-crafted and I devoured it in three days. 4 out of 5 stars.
Graphic Novels
I’ve gotten super into graphic novels recently and even visited a local comic book store to get the second volume of Montress. Graphic novels are a treat and a nice break from reading a traditional book or listening to an audiobook.

Saga Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan & Finoa Staples

Monstress Vol. 1 by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda
Saga Volumes 1 and 2
I’m still just getting into graphic novels, but I’m pretty sure I found the benchmark for what makes a good one. The artwork and writing work together, and I love the artist’s use of bright colors contrasting such a dark story. The plot is suspenseful, funny, and exciting. Definitely consider checking this out if you enjoy fantasy. I’m not going to explain the plot to you because…that is literally what Goodreads is for. My review, with all its plain language, doesn’t really do Saga justice, but I loved this!
Monstress, Volume 1
The artwork is beautiful, haunting, and magical with a steampunk influence. The storytelling is captivating and the characters are rich. I need to get my hands on Volume 2 because I can’t wait to dive further into this story.

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
The Alice Network
The Alice Network brings together Eve and Charlotte, switching between Eve’s years in WWI and the present of 1945. I was invested in Eve’s storyline – she was a spy and has a lot to lose. Charlotte’s story was fine, but I mostly found myself not caring about her side of the story. I listened to this on audiobook, and found myself looking for small moments to keep listening. So while the characters are a little shallow, and the ending is a bit happy for a wartime story, I enjoyed this. I gave this 3.5 stars out of 5.