I learned about What We Sacrifice for Magic as I was surfing the events page of a sweet local bookstore (I love you, Big Hill Books). This witchy read is not only by a local author, but also set here in Minnesota. Witches aren’t what I usually gravitate toward, but it was coming up on Halloween when I first put in my hold request at the library. Although the hold came in after Halloween, I still went with it! Read on to see what I thought.
The Summary
It’s 1968, and the Watry-Ridder family is feared and respected in equal measure. The local farmers seek out their water charms and the teenagers, their love spells. The family’s charms and spells, passed down through generations of witches descending from the Black Forest, have long served the small town of Friedrich, Minnesota. Eldest daughter Elisabeth has just graduated high school—she is expected to hone her supernatural abilities to take over for her grandmother, the indomitable Madga. She’s also expected to marry her high school sweetheart and live the rest of her life in Friedrich. But all she can ask is why her? Why is her path set in stone, and what else might be out there for her?She soon discovers that magic isn’t the only thing inherited in her family. That magic also comes with a great price—and a big family secret. The more she digs, the more questions she has, and the less she trusts the grandmother she thought she knew. Who is Elisabeth without her family? She must ultimately decide what she’s willing to sacrifice for her family, for their secrets and their magic, or risk it all to pave her own way.Navigating the bittersweet tension between self-discovery and living up to familial expectations, What We Sacrifice for Magic is a touching look at coming into one’s own.
Book Review
Alright, the family of witches…I was very entertained! I only have one other witchy book in my memory (The Witches of Moonshyne Manor), and this had some similarities. Both were about sisters/family, which must be a common theme for witch books and witch shows (heeyy Charmed). This one was set nearby here in Minnesota, so it was pretty fun to imagine a family of witches living in my state.
I enjoyed how the family tried to fit in by going to church and doing good works for the community. There were some fun allusions to how small town/country Minnesota is, which resonated with me as a girl from a small (Wisconsin but very near the Minnesota border) town.
Anyway, I liked Elisabeth and her struggles to figure out whether she should walk away from her family and forge her own way forward, or if she belongs there in that small town with them, even though her prospects there are a bit grim. That said, I did get a little bit annoyed at times, especially in the beginning, where the narration hits you over the head with the small town, not sure which way she wants to go bit. About the fifth time it’s mentioned I just thought ok, I get it, yes, small town. No prospects. Indecision.
This family is dysfunctional on a pretty grand scale. There are secrets, lies, desperate measures, and behind-backs plotting. There’s even a Potter – Voldemort style magic-off! It was a little much at times, but also just good, fun entertainment.
What We Sacrifice for Magic has cool magic, a lot of family drama, some romance, and even a good old-fashioned seance. This was an entertaining read and just good, witchy fun. I’d read this author again!
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